22 Apr 2015

Rule of Third in Photography

Rule of third is the most important rule in composition. Its about framing according to rule of third your photograph get interesting look. Let me explain the rule of third with Examples

What is the Rule of third in Photography?

   We divide image into 3 parts we mentally draw two Horizontal and two vertical lines First line will be 33.33% and 2nd will 66.66% Where the Lines cross each other that will be the power point. For example

As you can see the  image shown the red Spot is the power point You must have to place your subject in one of this point if you not place your subject on one of this point your photograph will be against the rule of third.
Rule of third for Landscape
The above image shown that the one of power point is on tower its the example on landscape.

Above Photograph shown that the Two power points is on the tower as a subject.

IF their will be Two Subjects . The placement of subject should be cross For example

Above photograph shown that the 1st subject is the sun and 2nd is the boat and the are not in line they are on opposite power point
We cannot place 2 subject in one horizontal or vertical line. If 1st subject is on the Horizontal line and second will be on vertical line

Rule of Third on Macro 

If the Macro short is any kind of insect your power pint should be on eye because eye is the sharpest part of the every human being 

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