23 Apr 2015

Mobile Photography Tips for Beginners

Mobile Photography Tips for Beginners

Now a days Due to the Rapid growth of mobile usage the mobiles companies update its features day by day. One of the famous feature of the Mobile is the Mobile's Camera. Due to the mobile camera people are rapidly coming in the field of photography. Mobile photography playing a vital role in field of photography. Advanced mobiles have to many features of camera in it.

The best suggestion is that always shoots in daylight and strongly recommended out. While shooting outdoor there should be light on your subject if there is no light on subject used light reflectors. If you are shooting indoor keep in mind turn on your builtin flash on it will give you image quality but the problem with flash light is that flash light always destroy the colors casts. For the color correction used the White balancing. (Advance Mobile like endriod, iPhones and windows Mobiles has too many features in his camera setting)

Close to your Subject:
      Keep in mind get close to your subject do not use digital zoom because the mobile camera is to tiny so we cannot compare it with DSLR lenses, it can destroy the image quality and give you too much noise. Avoid the digital zoom if you want to close up the subject go physically close to the subject do not use digital zoom.

Do not move Keep Still:
      Do not move while taking photographs keep still it can give you better image quality and give you to much sharpness so try to keep still do not move. Try to use the stand for the camera.

Experiment with white balancing and ISO:
     If you want to correct the colors or the photograph not give you the colors you want try to use white balancing its the advance feature in Mobile photography.
The ISO term stands for the camera sensitivity how much camera is sensitive it will give you noise distortion. ISO used for the light  required.

Composition Rule:
     Follow the rule of composition according to this rule your photograph will show eye catching image. Follow the Rule of third in the composition. Do not place your subject in dead center (sometimes you need to break the rule like macro photography, close up photograph, floor photography etc you can break it its for your frame correction)

Clean your Camera's lens:
     Keep your camera clean if there will be dust and scratches the auto system of the camera will not work because it will not find the subject result will give you shallow distortion.

Best photo app:
    I strongly recommended you the best app for the post processing and the camera oprations
  •   Pro camera:  It will give you manual control on exposure time and aperture.
  •   Snapdeed:     It will give you too many options of post processing
  •   Camera360:  It will give you the camera effects and photo effects

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